Vincent monkeyin' around! What he does best.
©2009 Gary A. Bibb
Remember the old adage? If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and sounds like a duck - then it's probably a duck!
The same can be said about artists and other creative people. Not that you can always tell by the way we look or the clothes we ware, but rather because we are always going about being who we are. "Creatives" (regardless of their art form) have a heightened perception and tend to notice things most people are oblivious to - so we are always observing, listening, taking things in; and most of all, pondering. Contemplation is an important component of a creative person's life. We have to internalize all the sensory data we've been exposed to - we mentally catalog it and then try to make some sense of it all. No wonder we are often accused of "being in our own world".
In addition to our acute perception, we are also busy being creative. Most Creatives have diverse avenues of expression, so we are usually engaged in some form of artistic endeavor; whether it be art, music, literature, dance, theater - cinema, photography or a number of other forms. The point being - we have so much to say, we just can't hold it in.
If you are reading this post and don't consider yourself creative; I suspect you are more creative than you realize - most people are. You may not consider yourself an artist, musician or author but you may enjoy carpentry or home decorating - or perhaps singing in the shower, the car, or along with the congregation in church - or you may find that you really enjoy keeping in touch with loved ones via email, or that good old lost art of letter-writing. Regardless, most people gravitate to an artistic form of expression that satisfies a deep need. That is the human trait of giving a creative voice to the soul in a manner that touches another soul.
So the next time you do something creative, no matter how personal - rejoice in that expression. And, if you know someone who is a bit of a misfit because they are a "Creative" - tell them you appreciate their artistic gift; along with their sacrifice, dedication and effort. A hug would be nice as well.
Comments from a Creative -
Gary A. Bibb